// volunteer
If you would like to become a registered volunteer coach in an AAA member school, you may take an online course and test through NFHS Coaches Ed Program. On the AAA website under “Information” there is a dropdown menu that includes Coaches Education. The printable forms are under the “important info” heading and the link to the NFHS coaches education is to the right under “helpful hints”. There is a checklist for volunteer coaches that is printable and it lists the items to be completed by those who wish to become registered volunteers. It is helpful for the volunteer-in-training to be able to check off requirements as they are completed.
The two courses that replaced the ASEP classes are completed entirely online can be accessed at www.nfhslearn.com and are identified as “Fundamentals of Coaching” and “First Aid for Coaches”. The cost is considerably less than the ASEP classes.
Click the link below to go to the AAA website Coaches Education:
// coaches education
National Federation of High Schools www.nfhs.org
You may also take a classroom course and test to be certified.
Click the link below to find out from the instructors when the next courses will be held in your area:
Instructor Contacts
Kathy S. Tadlock
Associate Executive Director
Rules Interpreter for Volleyball, Swimming and Diving, Spirit, Cross Country and Track, Coaches Education
Teresa Brown
Administrative Assistant
Secretary to Associate Executive Directors, Coaches Education Secretary, Registered Volunteer Secretary