trackwrestling & NCA
Trackwrestling was used at the State High School and the Youth State Tournament and made the match scoring process easier than ever! With your permanent Trackwrestling ID you can pre-register your team. You can create a profile and you will be assigned an ID that you will have for a lifetime and can be presented at any and all tournaments. Your match information will be entered quickly and accurately.
For those of you who want to follow your wrestler and cannot sit at a computer all day, Trackwrestling offers instant results via text
messaging to your cell phone and/or emails.
With text messaging, your phone will alert you as soon as the result of the match is entered online. The text message will include the names and teams of each wrestler, win type, and match score.
You may need to contact your cellular phone company to be certain that your phone has an activated text messaging feature. The email
service works the same way, but you will receive the results through email instead. This works great for people who don’t want to navigate the website to find results, but can easily check email. If you are interested in participating in this service, visit www.trackwrestling.com for details regarding the cost of this service and membership information.
The NWCA Live Score Book is a paperless scorebook system that provides real time results to your wrestling fans at home while serving as a paperless scorebook. The system works online or off, tracks all stats and match results and fulfills your OPC result reporting obligations. It also creates team and individual stat reports and results can be emailed directly to the media. New features are being added and developed! Visit www.nwcaonline.com to learn more.
The NWCA has agreed to register all of our participating schools with the Association and waive the $30 annual joining fee.
CLICK HERE to download a copy of Mike’s Power Point presentation at our wrestling rollout meeting.
Mike Moyer
Executive Director, NWCA
Phone: 717-653-8009
Cell Phone: 717-330-2123
Fax: 717-653-8270
1976 Auction Road
Manheim, PA 17545
Email: mmoyer@nwca.cc