Info & Assessments
// coaches corner
// assessments & testing
1. Wrestling TrackWrestling Requirement
The Arkansas Activities Association will require all coaches have the records of each wrestler reported for the current season. For the wrestling record log click here. This form will be required to be brought to the state seeding meeting. This new individual wrestler log will also serve to help you keep track of your wrestler’s record for the year and for their careers. It will allow you to start gathering data to keep for your school’s record holders in wins, pins, etc.
2. Deadline for the Academic State Championships Award Applications is June 15th
The Arkansas Activities Association is accepting applications for Academic State Champion awards. The Academic State Champions recognizes teams in wrestling who ahve achieved academically and is based on each team member’s cumulative grade point average for the most recent official grading period.
Click here to print a flyer and the application: Academic Championship Information and Application.
3. Hydration Testing
Remember, all wrestlers must go through hydration and body fat testing prior to wrestling their first match of the season. All coaches will have to produce a master assessment of their team and an individual weight sheet for athletes this year before any dual or tournament to 1) ensure wrestlers have been assessed and 2) so wrestlers are in the proper weight class. Wrestlers who come out late for the season must go through this testing by February 1st, 2012 in order to meet eligibility for the state tournament. If you have not passed your test by February 1st, 2012 you will not be eligible to wrestle in the 2012 State High School Tournament. This year there will be a cost per athlete in order to pay assessors for their time. Find a list of assessors in this email or go to the Arkansas Activities Association website at www.ahsaa.org. IMPORTANT: Coaches, please get your required codes from the Principal or Athletic Director at your school. You will need these codes to to log-in at the National Wrestling Coaches Association website: www.trackwrestling.com to retrieve required forms from the optimal performance calculator under the weight management tab. For additional information call Kristi Mann (Central Arkansas) krmann3boys@yahoo.com or (501) 804-0457.
Click on the following link for a full list of assessors: 2021 - 22 Assessor List

IMPORTANT Deadline to Declare for Wrestling is June 1st for the 2022 – 2023 wrestling season!
If you have any questions about declaring for wrestling please contact the Arkansas Activities Association at (501) 955-2500 or visit http://www.ahsaa.org/page/1/aaa for full contact information.
For more information on these topics and more visit the National Wrestling Coaches Association at http://www.nwcaonline.com.
Weight Assessment Guidelines:
There are two components to assessment: hydration testing and body fat testing. Wrestlers must be assessed before wrestling their first match of the season.. For a current list of assessors, see above.
Assessments can begin on October 26th each year and there are two components to assessing: body fat testing and hydration testing. It is important to understand each wrestler must be assessed the lowest weight they are able to wrestle at for the coming year before they wrestle their first match. Wrestlers cannot go below a weight assessed. Just like wrestlers must weigh in at 106.0 pounds or less to wrestle 106 they must also be assessed at 106.0 pounds or less in order to wrestle at that weight at some point during the year. The safest way to make sure wrestlers are assessed at the weight you want them to be throughout the year is to have them make their actual weight at the time of the assessment while passing the hydration test. Kristi Mann at krmann3boys@yahoo.com can be contacted for questions regarding assessments.
All coaches will have to produce a master assessment of their team and an individual weight sheet for athletes this year before any dual or tournament to ensure all wrestlers have been assessed and so wrestlers are in the proper weight class. Wrestlers who come out late for the season must go through this testing by February 1st, in order to meet eligibility for the state tournament. If you have not passed your hydration and body fat test by February 1st, you will not be eligible to wrestle in the High School State Wrestling Tournament.
Coaches: Having Problems Logging in to the OPC?: Call the AAA